Our training pathway

Training pathway

Who should use the platform?

The JETS Workforce programme is designed for all members of the endoscopy workforce, this includes the below roles:

 Unit manager Practice educator
 Deputy manager Practice facilitator
 Endoscopy nurse (registered) Care navigator
 Endoscopy nurse (non registered) Decontamination manager
 Operating department practitioner Disinfection services manager
 Pre-assessment nurse Sterile services manager
 GRS nurse Decontamination technician
 Health care assistant Decontamination assistant
 Health care support worker Nursing associate
 Assistant practitioner  Endoscopy practitioners


Pathway overview

The programme is comprised of three levels and not all the above roles need to complete all three levels. This will vary depending on their role. 

Within each level there are three elements to complete:

Competency framework

The JETS Workforce competency framework contains a list competencies and sub competencies, related to endoscopy. The framework has three levels and a total of five sections. To evidence the competencies, you are required to submit direct observation of procedural skills (DOPS), witness statements and reflective statements. that combine to create a platform for the endoscopy workforce to record and evidence their skills, knowledge, and abilities.

The e-learning modules

The eLearning modules have been developed by a group of experts in endoscopy. The modules are housed on the eLearning for health platform. Our eLearning for health page provides guidance on how to access these modules. Completion of these modules is required prior to attending a course.

The training courses

Each level of the programme has a training course, designed to complement the competencies and eLearning. Courses are run by the JETS Workforce team. To book onto a course visit our JETS Workforce homepage which contains a list of all the courses.  

Please note the following:

  • Level one is mandatory for all endoscopy workforce working in a clinical capacity. Details about the JETS Workforce mandate can be found on our mandate training page. 
  • Level one is prerequisite to level two and must be completed first.
  • Level three can be completed without level one or two.

For further information on the JETS Workforce programme please review our leaflet.

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